Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Week Ten - Oral Blog Portfolio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

There was a lecture, which was called New ZILD English on week seven. The speaker was Philippa Fox.

Firstly, she talked about varieties of English, such as British English, Korean English, Indian English, African English and so on. There are two types of English, which are standards British English and American English. New Zealand English is close to standard English. In addition, she talked about mixing vowels and also about how new accents are created. This happens when people move and mix in New Zealand. There are many influences, including normal change, pioneering spirit, national identity, media characters, Maori and class. Then, she talked about the differences in the Kiwi accent, such as vowels, diphthongs, disappearing differences, extra syllable, "L" and high rising intonation. There are differences in vowels, for example, the number one is that English speakers say fish and chips, but kiwis say fush and chups. When kiwis say pen, I hear pin. When they say six, I hear sex.

Finally, she told us some references. The first one is Video "Newzild", which is the story of New Zealand English. You can find it in the Language Learning Centre in the library. The second one is web
articles. There are two articles and I have a link for them.

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