Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Week Eight Text Blog Entry-Move to stem truant growth

This article talked about truant growth. Rate of truancy numbers has growth 41 percent in New Zealand since 2002. It had 30,000 children a day to skip to classes last year. Christchurch principal said school should need more resource. Rob Burrough who is the principal of Linwood College said if school and truancy officers use the inadequate resource, it will have the opposite result. Christchurch's truancy officers and District Truancy Services are two community organization to tackle this problem. It will deal with truancy to look at ways on other countries. New Zealand school will share ideas with each other. Katherine Rich who is National Party education spokeswoman said truancy should become a national priority.

There are active voice and passive voice. "District Truancy Services are contracted by the ministry to support schools with non-attending students." is a present simple passive form, means the ministry contracted District Truancy Services to support schools with non-attending students. "Papanui High School principal Denis Pyatt said truancy services were stretched," is a past simple passive form, means the government should stretch the truancy services. "but a date has not yet been set for the scheme to be extended across the country." is a present prefect simple passive form and a passive infinitive form. "These hard-working people on the front line need to be given greater support." is a passive infinitive.

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