Sunday, 27 May 2007

Summary of Book--David Copperfied

This book which was written by Charles Dickens is called David Copperfield.

This book tells the story of the life of David Copperfield. He was born in Suffolk. His father died six months before he was born. When he was about eight, my mother married Mr Murdstone. He doesn't like his stepfather and stepfather's sister. They teach him. If he can not answer questions, his stepfather will hit him. He was sent away to boarding school, so he knew some friends. However, his mother died after several months later. His stepfather sent him to work in London. His life is very bad, so he ran away and went to look for his aunt, who is Bestsey Trotwood. He didn't go back to his home with stepfather. His aunt sent him to school for studying. His aunt suggested that he spent one month in London before what profession he decided to choose. When he lived in London, he met his old friend, who is Steerforth. When David came back, he chooses the occupation of lawyer. He met Dora and fell in love with her. However, his aunt was bankruptcy. Then Mr Copperfield married Dora and became a gazetteer. Dora was ill badly, when David became a famous writer. After period of time, Dora died. He was very sad, so he had a long journey. Finally, he got married with Agnes, because she kept touch with him, when he was travelling all round cities.

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