Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Oral Blog Entry - A Diploma Lecture 1(Unions in New Zealand)

This lecture was given by Sarah Hardman in week 6, who is a lecturer and ASTE chairperson. Firstly, she told us what union is. It is workers orgainized into a voluntary association to further their mutual with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other matters of interest to the workers. Secondly, she show us some infoemation. For example, there are 330,000 New Zealanders joining a union, which 51.5% are women. If you are a union member, you can choose the union leader. Self-employee can not join a union. You can go on strike if collective agreement has expired. Although any worker can ont go on strike if they are angry with boss. Finally, she talked about why we need a union. there are several reasons, including fair pay, Fair working conditions, safe and healthy workplace, a voice for working people and equality of opportunity. If you want to know more information about unions , you can click here.

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