Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Week Seven Text Blog Entry- Describe differences in manners between NZ and own country

There are many differences in manners between New Zealand and my country, because my country is a very traditional country.I will talk manners about three ways. Although there are a lot of manners in my country, including eating, seating, talking to the old people, presents and so on.

Firstly, I want to talk about table manners. There are many manners about eating. It is completely different from New Zealand. For example, when it is time to eat dinner, we should not sit down the seat before the grandparents sit down. In addition, if we want to eat food, we could not eat everything before grandparents eating. In my country, people think this is a way of showing respect to older people. It have not these manners here, because I lived the home stay for three months. I saw the children can eat firstly. Grandparents and children are equal.

Secondly, appellation of people is absolutely different form New Zealand. One side, students should not call their teachers' names in the school, but students can call their teachers' names here. You can call their names in New Zealand, who are older than you. However, you can not call their names in China.

Finally, when we walk on the road, we might say hello for people, who we see and do not know them. However, we never do it in China.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry - a narrative or recount

Today I readed a article what a farmer should pay $200,000 for extinguishing a massive fire near Bulls. Here is a link to this article. Mr Dulieu, who is Rangitikei District Council principal rural fire officer, said the fire was an accident. Why this incident happened because Gavin Hastings was mowing grass and the blade was heated up. As a result, the blade set the grass on fire. It took eight hours to control the February 26 blaze, which used more than 100 firefighters and six helicopters. This fire was the biggest in the Rangitikei region in recent times. I chose this article because I was surprised about this number.

Most of the verb forms which explain what happened are in the past simple form. There is one example of the past perfect continuous, which is " he had been mowing grass in a paddock owned by his brother when the mower blade hit a rock and he saw a fire." It means mowin grass happened before the fire in the past.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

New 7 Wonders Of The World

Today my friend sent a web address for me. She told me this web address what is the election of the new 7 wonders of the world. There are many representative buildings for many countries. My friend told me the Great Wall is one of them, whereas little Chinese know this. As a result, there are 0.5 present of voters is Chinese. There are 21.8 present of voters is Peruvian yet. Firstly, I was very curious and opened it, though I thought this is a joke and do not have this web address. This is a real web address. I am very amazed for it, because I have never known this event before I saw it. Finally, I voted for the Great Wall. One reason is that it is my countrie's representative building. Another reason is that it is the largest man-made monument ever to have been built. The New 7 Wonders of the World will be announced during the Official Declaration ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on Saturday, July 7, 2007 - 07.07.07. If you are interested in it, you can enter this web adress.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Oral Blog Entry - A Diploma Lecture 1(Unions in New Zealand)

This lecture was given by Sarah Hardman in week 6, who is a lecturer and ASTE chairperson. Firstly, she told us what union is. It is workers orgainized into a voluntary association to further their mutual with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other matters of interest to the workers. Secondly, she show us some infoemation. For example, there are 330,000 New Zealanders joining a union, which 51.5% are women. If you are a union member, you can choose the union leader. Self-employee can not join a union. You can go on strike if collective agreement has expired. Although any worker can ont go on strike if they are angry with boss. Finally, she talked about why we need a union. there are several reasons, including fair pay, Fair working conditions, safe and healthy workplace, a voice for working people and equality of opportunity. If you want to know more information about unions , you can click here.